德国贺利氏普通低压紫外杀菌灯采用度石英材质制造,能为客户提供40%的254nm紫外输出效率,当采用合成石英做材料时,也会产生185nm的紫外光谱。 根据不同的弧长,安装长度和连接方式,贺利氏可提供两种类型的低压紫外杀菌灯: 254nm 光谱的低压标准紫外杀菌灯 185nm和254nm 的可产生臭氧的采用合成石英管的低压紫外杀菌灯。 同时,贺利氏还提供紫外沉浸式灯和低压汞齐灯。此外,贺利氏还提供型低压汞齐灯。
Ozone-free Ozone-generating
Spectrum: wavelength 254 nm 185 nm, 254 nm
Illuminated lenght * 10 - 150 cm 10 - 150 cm
Electrical power 5 - 80 W 5 - 80 W
Typical UV efficiency
at 254 nm 40 % 40 %
Typical efficiency at 185 nm, natural quartz glass -
approx. 6 %
Typical efficiency at 185 nm, Synthetic quartz glass -
approx. 9 %
Specific UVC flux 0,1 - 0,4 W/cm 0,1 - 0,4 W/cm
Ambient application
temperature max. 40 °C max. 40 °C
Operating life Up to 9,000 hours with a maximum fall-off of 30 % in UVC intensity Up to 9,000 hours with a maximum fall-off of 30 % in UVC intensity
Ozone-free Ozone-generating
Spectrum: wavelength 254 nm 185 nm, 254 nm
Illuminated lenght * 10-150 cm 10-150 cm
Electrical power 10-150 W 10-150 W
Typical UV efficiency at 254 nm 25-35% 25-35 %
Typical efficiency at 185 nm, natural quartz glass - approx. 6 %
Typical efficiency at 185 nm, Synthetic quartz glass - approx. 9 %
Specific UVC flux 0,1-0,4 W/cm 0,2-0,5 W/cm
Ambient application
temperature max. 40°C max. 40°C
Operating life Up to 9,000 hours with a maximum fall-off of
30 % in UVC intensity Up to 9,000 hours with a maximum fall-off of
30 % in UVC intensity
型号 管径 灯长 功率 灯电流 寿命
GPH150T5L 15 150 4-8W 425 9000-13000
GPH212T5L 15 212 10W 425 9000-13000
GPH287T5L 15 287 14W 425 9000-13000
GPH357T5L 15 357 17W 425 9000-13000
GPH436T5L 15 436 23W 425 9000-13000
GPH550T5L 15 550 28W 425 9000-13000
GPH843T5L 15 843 40W 425 9000-13000
GPH1148T5L 15 1148 55W 425 9000-13000
GPH1554T5L 15 1554 75W 425 9000-13000
GPH846T5/LHO 15/19 846 80W 800-1000 9000-13000
GPH1148T5/LHO 15/19 1148 120W 800-1000 9000-13000
GPH1554T5/LHO 15/19 1154 150W 800-1000 9000-13000